Putting the fun back into being pretentious since 2013
"One of the few remaining reasons I'm on Twitter" - @B0ne5

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Me and Track of the Week

When I was young and starting to develop my own musical tastes the chart countdown on a Sunday early evening would be essential listening.

I would head to the dining room with a small, blue transistor radio and listen to the best-selling records of the week between the outbreaks of medium wave static.

And while I was assessing the ups and downs of that week's movers and new entries I was choosing my favourite track of the week. I had a notebook with a red vinyl cover (I think it had the Swindon Town badge on the front) where I would jot down that week's top choice, the only rule being that a song could only be chosen once.

That notebook is long gone (which is a probably a good thing as I'm sure there would be an embarrassment factor with some of the selections) and it's been a long time since I cared about the popular music charts but it's time to bring Track of the Week back into my life.

Each week, at around 7pm on a Sunday, to connect with my 13 year-old self across space and time, I'll post my Track of the Week. It won't necessarily be a favourite song. It could be something that I've thought of because of a conversation or an observation. It may just be an annoying 'ear-worm' that I feel the need to bother you with!

This could go anywhere! Or it could peter out within weeks. The first one will be along tomorrow. You probably won't like it.

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