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Sunday, 11 February 2018

Happy Mondays: Step On

Track of the Week - 11 February 2018

I was at the hospital a few times again this week visiting the elderly gentleman of my acquaintance. The patients on the ward have TV/radio devices on the end of telescopic arms* by their beds.

I'm not sure if it's hospital radio or one of the major stations piped in but there's usually some background noise at varying volumes when I'm visiting. I couldn't help but smile to myself when I heard Happy Mondays' Step On being played last Monday to a ward of people who have very limited mobility. I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.

It's a cracking tune (a cover of the 1971 John Kongos number four called He's Gonna Step on You Again which is mighty fine in it's own right) and reached number five in 1990.

* The devices have telescopic arms - not the patients.

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