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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Me versus Square Pegs and Round Holes

You can't fit a square peg in a round hole

I'll get straight to the point. Yes you can.

When we were young me, my brother and sister had this plastic 'shape sorter' toy. It was a bit like the one in the picture but circular and not tortoise-shaped.

It was a bit like this but circular and not tortoise-shaped

We'd have competitions on who could put all the pieces in quickest. (There were only three channels on telly and no video games back then.) This toy stayed in the family so long that it was passed down through various nieces and nephews as well.

The reason I give you this family history is that the holes lost a bit of their shape over time so you could pretty much fit any shape into any of the holes. The triangle would fit through the star-shaped hole, the circle would go through the hexagon and yes, the square shape would fit into the round hole.

I hear you say 'but that's cheating. That's not what this saying means.' Well, I say to you, leaving plastic toys aside, if you find a round hole and a square peg ever so slightly smaller than it and then hit it really hard with a hammer then that will do the trick as well.

So there.

Conclusion: This is quite easy as long as you have the right size holes and pegs and a big enough hammer. It's not advised if you're doing some plumbing though.

Next time: I do something else I haven't thought of yet.

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